Summer is coming
It’s been a tough winter here in Snowdonia. We’ve had falling trees, power outages and severe coastal flooding, but summer is coming! And it might be a hot one.. German Scientist, Armin Bunde of Justus Liedig University in Giessing is predicting one the driest summers on record. I’m sure he knows what he’s talking about. His new forecasting technique suggests the occurrence of the El Niño weather patterns his highly likely during the early summer of 2014. El Niño, the climate bad boy, as described in The New Scientist, can often lead to prolonged dry hot summers here in Northern Europe. Researchers at the University of Reading also suggest that the UK will return to pattern of much drier summers.It’s all down to the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation apparently. That and the long-term climate cycles in the Atlantic multi-decadal oscillation. Obviously!
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