Uncharacteristically, I have moved away from a goal setting, focus driven, ‘deprivation’ in some capacity approach to the New Year and looked at what makes us happy. They say that all those things you ‘strive’ to achieve tend to fall into place when you are happier and so rather than beat myself up for missing a training day or failing at juicing on a freezing cold January day (these things do not make me happy), I looked at the alternatives at creating happiness Snowdonia Style… SLEEP: Most of us are sleep deprived. 2-3 nights of good sleep can totally transform you, so imagine what a regular routine of good sleep will do. One thing you’ll notice as soon as you land in Snowdonia is the quietness and, less obviously, the darkness at night…. not many street lights in the fields! Throw in fresh air and homemade food readily availible in the area and you can…
How To Be Happy | The Answer Might Be in Snowdonia
50% of happiness is determined by our genes, 10% is from our circumstances, job, house, status etc, leaving the remaining 40% down to us to manage. Whats the secret? The chemical in our bodies that promotes happiness is dopamine and from our teenage years onwards, if we do not actively try to create it in our bodies, it will naturally decrease and not be reproduced. If you don’t use it, you loose it. How do we create it? There are 4 recognised ways in which to increase dopamine levels: Close Network. Having a close and supportive network of family and friends. Spending time with them is important and those that do tend to me much happier and fulfilled. New Experiences. Changing the way you do things or going on adventures is a high dopamine releaser. It could be as simple as a different running route every morning or the big adventure. But either way, variety being…